Call folks what they want to be called. It's really not that difficult. If it changes than so be it. Things change, people learn, go with the flow. It's not fashionable to call people "fags" anymore because we learned that that could be hurtful. I don't understand why some people would elevate some linguistic purity (we should call X "X" because it's always been that way!) when by choosing to use different words...we can create a better tomorrow.
I grew up referring to Black folks as "African-American." Now I believe the evolving trend is "Black." It seems to be what Black folks want, therefore I'm happy to oblige. I would be careful to capitalize the words "Black" and "White," though, Tim, as "black" and "white" are simply colour adjectives and gives the impression of a person doused in black/white paint lol. Capitalizing "Black" and "White" makes it clear you are referring to a community of folks.