I frankly can't relate to this because I struggled with the opposite — not getting sexual experience "on time." But I still think it's related. We put way too many complicated rules around what's considered sexually acceptable and it confuses kids, shames them, and drives wedges between them. If you have sex too early, you are a slut. If you have sex too late, you are a prude. You also cannot have too many partners or too few partners. You can't be too sexually adventurous but you can't insist on vanilla missionary either... It's ridiculous.
We need to tell kids that there's nothing wrong with not having sex until later, and that there's nothing wrong with having sex now if you feel ready. So long as you feel READY. We fret a lot about STDs and pregnancy, which is fair, but we should fret more about emotional readiness and healthy relationships. I think once kids understand that, they will be kinder to each other and have sex with people who care about them and when they're emotionally ready.