Man, this is something I think about all the time. And I wish I could give you more than 50x claps for writing this!
I think part of the problem is, as Millennials in tune with the Hive Mind of social media/mainstream media/celebrity hustle culture, we're spammed with images every day of people who HAVE made it quick'n'rich. I've seen plenty of articles on Medium about how someone earned $X in Y time (X being a huge number, Y being a tiny one). Maybe, for like 1-5% of people, it IS possible to make rich quick...but sustaining that, doing it happily and ethically is a different issue.
Like you, I want to build my career sustainably. I'm in my 20s and in that learning and experimentation boat right now. I'm fulfilling my lifelong dream of writing novel, but of course, I don't know for sure if it's going to pan out. It might not, but I'm doing it because I love writing and I wouldn't want to die without having tried.
And if it doesn't work out, that's fine, it's just part of the journey :)