That Madonna tweet was weird. Firstly, the language is strange. "Brutal murder travels around the world" almost feels like it is unnecessarily dramatizing a tragedy. Almost like a clickbait headline?
"pay tribute to George and His Family and all Acts of Racism and Discrimination that happen on a daily basis" is...a lot. And I think what makes me uncomfortable is that making this statement somehow relays the message "my dancing video will solve all these big enormous systemic problems!" I don't think Madonna MEANS this, but it sure comes off this way.
One little cheer-up dance won't fix systemic problems, so don't imply that it will.
Finally, it feels like she's showing off David and even...*using* his body if that makes sense. There is some sense of objectification here that makes me deeply uncomfortable.
Thank you for sharing this exercise and challenging us to do it. I've been grappling a lot with how to be an ally, and what I've settled on is that sometimes, activism need not be loud. Sometimes, there is power in stepping aside, letting others take the lead, and instead meditating within yourself and within your private communities.