This topic has been on my mind a lot lately as a recent grad. I miss the classroom atmosphere where you are just casually and randomly tossed in with a bunch of people you meet regularly. Work is similar, but I feel like there’s always an underlying tension at work, where you can’t reveal your “true self” until after a certain point because it’s unprofessional to be too personal too quickly.
Lots of highlightable, quotable bits here! I like the part about making peace with not everyone being your friend. I think that’s very important. Often times, when we’re desperate for companionship, we read situations wrong and give more than the other person and, in turn, expect more, and when we don’t get what we expect, we are sorely disappointed. I think it’s important to remember that friendship is a two-way street that doesn’t always work out. You have to make sure you’re worth it to the other person, but they have to be worth it to you, too.