This was a powerful, well-articulated article. I appreciate how unapologetic you are, your honesty, and how you don't hold back!
However, I would kindly disagree on this. I don't think abolishing Whiteness will erase these things. White people aren't the only ones in the world who are racist. Non-White societies (I'm thinking Asian cultures as an example, since that is my background and I know a bit about the culture) have been racist against darker-skinned people for generations before contact with White people. (I'm not a historian, so I do not have proof of this, but I do know that for most of history places like China were not in contact with Europe—someone else can corroborate, hopefully.)
My point being, seemingly independent on White influence, many societies are racist even if you took Whiteness out of the equation. Perhaps thousands of years ago that racism was inspired by first contact with White people, but unless we go back in time and change that point in history, I think it's too late to revert this.
Sometimes I wonder if human nature is inherently racist, that it is a natural but morally wrong part of us. It would have made sense to our prehistoric ancestors to be suspicious of people who don't look like them. Perhaps somewhere along history, White societies became extra-racist, and that was learned. I dunno.
Anyway, I hope that made sense! Looking forward to any response you may have.