What I try to remember is that the common denominator is white supremacy. I keep hearing people (mainly white people) say things like "how is white supremacy at fault if it's a Black person attacking an Asian person?" Well, newsflash, but white people don't need to be present for white supremacy violence to take place.
Let's remember that white supremacy created the model minority myth. Let's remember that a white man, the most powerful man on earth, popularized "kung flu" and "China virus." If a Black person attacks an Asian person based on the racist assumption that the Asian person is disease-ridden, it can all be traced back to this white supremacy rhetoric.
That doesn't excuse the perpetrator at an individual level, but that's the context behind the attack.
And yes, there are also crimes of opportunity. Asian people often make good targets because we're small and there's a stereotype that we have money.
But most importantly, let's remember that both Black and Asian people have a common enemy: white supremacy, and we are stronger when we fight together. I absolutely love that mural!