While I appreciate the alternative viewpoint and the tact you used to express it, I would politely disagree. As someone with the lived experience of an Asian woman, we know that race cannot be divorced from the sexualization of our bodies. Sure, the shooter may not have been consciously racist, but targeting businesses staffed by vulnerable Asian women, businesses that are often stereotyped as places to receive "me love you long time" service—that is indicative of a racist context.
Fact: Asian women are frequently sexualized, fetishized, and dehumanized. This is verifiable through mine and the experiences of hundreds, thousands, perhaps millions of Asian women. Therefore, this context should be taken into account when looking at this story, regardless of how explicit the shooter's motives were.
As for the non-Asian people being edited out of the story, I think this is a matter of subjective comprehension because I didn't get this impression. Every news story I read has listed the victims as "8 people, 6 of Asian descent." The Asian American Feminist Collective wrote a memorial to the 8 people, rest in peace, rest in power, that had all their names. Victim profiles in the BBC, NYT, etc. all include the non-Asian victims.