"Writing is not a quick way to make money, or the easiest way. It’s not the “passive income” source a lot of people hope it will be." To be honest this kind of infuriates me. The kind of people who think writing is easy and a passive side-hustle obviously don't understand, appreciate, and respect the hard work that writers do. Sure, everyone knows how to write. You write text messages and work reports, probably. But writing WELL is a whole other ballgame. It takes years of practice. I've been writing pretty much my whole life and I have a degree in it. Yet I still consider myself a beginner because it has only been recently that I've devoted myself to it like a job.
I don't earn a lot on Medium. At all. If I earn enough to eat an extra restaurant meal out a month, I'm happy. But I really love this community and having the opportunity to get immediate feedback on what works and doesn't in the form of comments and stats, curations and pub acceptances. Medium is like a training ground and experimental lab for writers!