You raise a fascinating question, and one that is relevant to almost everywhere in the world. Knowing how to speak English without an accent grants you privilege almost everywhere you go. Even in remote places, you are more likely to find a tourist resource in English than any other language.
It’s also a very important question to me as a Canadian, because the negative impact of colonialism is still very strong in modern day Aboriginal communities. Many Aboriginal languages are lost because generations of children were told not to speak their native language for fear of punishment. (Often very violent punishment, like burning your tongue).
I do like the idea of an “international language” that everyone can speak, but Esperanto didn’t really take off. And English remains a de-facto international language these days.
Because each language is a unique way at looking at the world, I personally do not think one is more superior than another. I believe we should do our best to preserve as many languages as possible. But of course, practically speaking, there are some languages that are simply spoken more widely and are more “useful” to learn (ie. English, Mandarin, Spanish, etc.)